Ferellan Giants

Giants exist in many legends across the world, from ancient Eurth legends of one called “Goliath” to stories about legendary frost and storm giants in the wilds of Ferella. As of today, we have no definitive proof of the existence of any nonstandard giants such as these, but the legends are so prevalent that it is wholly reasonable to assume that they exist. The various subtypes could be explained as descendants of a common ancestor or perhaps as simple differences in appearance due to the climate they evolved in. We will explore each of these two giant phenotypes in this article.

On Ferella, the only type of giant known to exist in all climates, and the only one that commonly interacts with other races, is the common Ferellan giant. This giant looks like a normal humanoid, but is approximately ten times the size of most Ferellan races, namely elves and humans. Their skin can be any color in the pink and brown spectrum, including shades of olive. Hair color tends to be brown, blonde, black, or red. They never seem to have blue, green, or pink hair, though they occasionally have white hair. Culturally, common giants are very similar to humans, but with technologies to rival the dwarves. Their culture is also known to be sophisticated, even in remote areas.

It should be noted that these giants are significantly smaller than the one referenced in the legend of the Giant’s Hand.

Other types of giants are typically characterized by weather elements in their area, such as frost giants that are rumored to live in the frosty wastelands of the world. One notable exception is the legendary Goliath, a story common amongst Vuzodep. He is commonly described as being three or four times the size of a normal Vuzodep, similar to the size of weather-characterized giants. This has given rise to the theory that he was the allfather of all giant races, excepting the common giant. Another theory suggests that giants are all separate races with strength-based traits and weather resistances that allowed them to become apex predators in their areas.

AI Generated by Image by Artie_Navarre from Pixabay

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