The Giant’s Hand

The Giant’s Hand is a rock formation consisting of a large island-like structure in the middle of a former lake, as well as several floating rocks above small ponds in its interior. It is some distance from civilization, and is the only documented area with floating rock formations.

Local legends say a great giant or god fell here. He wrenched his hand free, pulling the earth up and forming mountains. Floating rocks were formed when some of the mountains were pulled up so far that they came free of the ground. The space beneath them was then filled in by water over the years of rainfall.

There is no evidence that gods are real or visited this site, thus necessitating a scientific explanation. Floating rocks have been theorized as the result of magnetic repulsion, detailed here. The formation itself happens to look like a large handprint, but was most likely just a mountainous formation that happened to occur in the midst of a prehistoric lake.

The existence of the lake and the odd way the water moves around the mountains suggests that there is a network of underground rivers beneath or around the mountains. While some claim this supports the theory that the range was formed by a god, it is more likely that earthquakes, wear from the water itself, and other stressors created underground rivers that change the way water moves around the mountains.

One theory, found in an ancient human textbook from long before humans had interacted with the other races, suggests that mountains are formed by internal stressors in the ground, possibly the same stressors that created the underground waterways. This theory says that the ground is formed in plates of rock that sometimes collide or slide against each other, forming mountains.

Most inhabitants of the Giant’s Hand live on the floating rocks. They are typically Vuzodep, and spread the legends and histories of the area verbally. Notably, their history does not mention ever residing in the country Vuzode, from which the Vuzodep people get their name. While ponds, rivers, and lakes provide ample fresh water, growing food can be a struggle as the locals must find ways to grow food atop their floating rocks or must travel to the surface to gather.

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